For its 6th edition, Peinture Fraîche swaps dimension.
Focusing on digital art this year’s event will question our relationship with reality by offering an exhibition concentrated on a place that is usually inaccessible.
An opportunity to discover the new faces of international urban art with immersive stagings and participatory works combining street art combining street art and technology.
New for this 6th edition, the festival has been entirely designed to bring together digital art and street art through the exhibition of four interactive frescoes, augmented reality and some fifteen emerging or established international digital artists.
This under-represented universe will take shape on the screens of the public, who will in turn become actors in what they are watching, by creating digital works via virtual reality, for example. Visitors will be able to take part in the process of creating digital works through various forms of participation, as well as attending table-top workshops where they can create lettering, collages, comics, characters and more. The more contemplative visitors can continue to discover artists’ canvases and other objects from the graffiti culture in the Shop or in the Artshow area.
You can learn more about it here.